The talmidim in the TABC Tzurba d’Rabbanan Gemara Program were privileged to hear a shiur from Rav Baruch Simon, one of the distinguished Roshei Yeshiva of Yeshiva University. Tzurba d’Rabbanan is a wonderful example of TABC creating opportunities for its students to continue to grow as bnei Torah and budding talmidei chachamim. The students dedicate a period each day to learning Gemara, beyond what they accomplish in their regular shiurim. In the program’s second year, the freshmen learn with Rabbi Ezra Weiner and the sophomores with Rabbi Yoni Mandelstam. The ultimate goal is for the program to expand until it encompasses all of the grades in the yeshiva. The learning is geared towards further developing the students’ skills, as they work on both their bekiut and ability to learn b’iyun. Additionally, Tzurba affords the talmidim another occasion to develop a relationship with a rebbe who models both high level talmud Torah and impeccable middot. TABC is fortunate to have so many rabbeim who exemplify these traits and to have so many talmidim who aspire to be like them.