(KosherToday.com) It was a holiday that “every section of the supermarket does well,” was the analysis by a kosher supermarket executive. And for good reason. The two-day Shavuot holiday that was preceded by a Shabbat included both dairy and meat meals. The sushi section, frozen and fresh blintzes, all fish categories and, of course, bakery were also in play. In the end, a survey by Kosher Today showed a 10 percent increase in sales this Shavuot over 2017. The volume of sales in many areas, most notably in the Northeast, ranked third behind Passover and the high holidays. There were some interesting new twists to Shavuot sales, such as a significant increase in sushi sales, more gift-giving, significant boost in wine sales, and more home-baking. Some stores said they had as much as a 20 percent increase in the sale of cheesecakes. In Israel, although Shavuot is only one day (as compared to two in the Diaspora), supermarket executives say it is second only to Passover in terms of sales. There are no concise figures for the number of cheesecakes and blintzes consumed, but food sources say it reaches six figures. Israelis are known to be big cheese lovers, and as Americans often discover, the choices for dairy are over the top, even at an average-day hotel breakfast. It is only in recent years that many alternative products, such as soy milk, have become big sellers in Israel. According to a 2017 survey by the financial paper Mamon, sales of dairy alternatives saw a stunning 37 percent growth since 2016. This has led to an entire line of non-dairy vegan products for Shavuot including the obligatory blintzes and “cheesecake.” Food sources say that many secular Israelis celebrate Shavuot and particularly covet cheese pastry products. Amazingly, wrote one Israeli foodie blogger, “you would think that sales would plateau after Yom Haatzmaut (Independence Day), but no; Shavuot is really big.”