June 3, 2024
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June 3, 2024
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RKYHS and JKHA Students Give of Themselves at Hair Drive

Organized by RKYHS senior Rose Ginsberg, a total of 20 RKYHS and JKHA students, faculty members and several parents took part in a pre-Pesach hair donation drive. All of the participants donated a minimum of eight inches of their hair to Zichron Menachem, the first and only organization of its kind in Israel, which provides assistance and support to children with cancer and their entire families. A total of over 300 inches was donated. These individuals performed one of the greatest forms of chesed, giving a part of themselves to someone else.

“It amazes me to see how an individual can go above and beyond themselves for the sake of helping others when they donate their hair alone. However, on Monday we transcended this as we partook in this tremendous mitzvah as a community,” commented Ginsberg. “The whole of our collective mitzvah is greater than the sum of each ponytail, as we are uniting together for a purpose that we each find meaningful.”

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