RPRY students are back at school, but their hearts are with Israel. Following davening, the middle school started the day with words of inspiration from Rabbi Ribalt and the reciting of Tehillim. Rabbi Feit described to students in their classes how their davening and learning is able to impact what is happening on the battlefield from far away. A “class soldier” was designated for each middle school class to daven and learn for and each individual student signed up for the name of a soldier to daven for as well. While everyone davens for all the soldiers, keeping specific names in mind helps make the tefillot more meaningful. Inspired by this lesson some of the seventh grade girls brought their Tehillim to recess to make their free time more meaningful. The bnot sherut are visiting middle school classrooms this week, as well, to guide students in letter writing to soldiers in Israel and making signs to give them chizuk. RPRY will be continuing to add age appropriate initiatives as the situation unfolds. Am Yisrael chai!