Studying the 39 מלאכות can be a challenge for the even the most advanced learners. However, when sixth grade girls at RPRY bring the מלאכות to life with hands-on learning they learn halacha in a way that leaves an impact for a lifetime. Earlier in the year students were able to visualize the מלאכה of winnowing and threshing going outside and doing it for real. Recently, as students learned the מלאכות related to the preparing of wool of washing, combing, dying and spinning they didn’t just read about it from a book or look at pictures. They were given actual raw wool to wash, comb, dye and spin themselves. Last week, when it came time to learn the very intricate and hard to imagine מלאכות of weaving, students were able to visualize these מלאכות with the opportunity to use a real (mini) loom to experience the steps of weaving. These activities are not only informative; they are interactive, exciting and fun and learning this way allows for students to make the learning a part of themselves in a way that is not possible otherwise.