STEM at RPRY is racing along with the Cublet Robots students built and raced this week! The fourth grade, learning the basics of robotics, built robots that sense, think and act. Using Cublets, cube shaped processors that each serve a different computing function, the students learned sequencing, record keeping, engineering design and collaboration. They took the skills they gained to build turtles which the class then raced. As their skills continue to build and improve, the students will invent and build a useful item with the cubes and present them to the second grade. The unit is part of the Cypess Foundation STEM program.
First grade engaged in a hands-on activity as well, learning about density in a unit on sinking and floating. The students learned about the shapes of boats by experimenting with clay and tinfoil in a tub of water. They used observational skills as they noticed the differences between items and shapes that sink or float. The students exercised cooperative skills as well, working on collaborative groups. Instilling students with metacognitive and analytic thinking skills is integral to the curriculum at RPRY.