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October 20, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

RYNJ students had a meaningful and fun Yom Ha’atzmaut day of celebration! It began with all classes reciting and singing a beautiful Hallel. After tefillah, classes began their programming. Early childhood yeladim traveled to Eretz Yisrael by “plane’ and were entertained on the flight by their Israeli pilot, Morah Mali, by singing Hebrew songs they had learned previously in Morah Mali’s Hebrew immersion class. Once they arrived in Israel they shopped at the shuk, picked fruits and vegetables on a kibbutz, visited the Kotel where they davened and wrote tefillot to be placed in the stones, ate falafel, dug for ancient coins and so much more.

Lower school students were busy decorating their doors to reflect what Israel means to each student in the class and began a Season of Tzionut. Students experienced a virtual trip to Eretz Yisrael that gave them the opportunity to make decisions about what they would do on their trip and what it is like to live in Israel.

Middle school students participated in Israeli boot camp. Students participated in three activities—Cross the River—where they had to use strategy and teamwork to get from one side to the other without touching the ground; Target Practice—throwing footballs through hanging tires; and Mine Field—where they were guided by a classmate through a field of cones, walking backwards, trying not to kick any of them.

All students enjoyed the traditional Yom Ha’atzmaut sweet treat—a delicious blue and white cookie!

Happy Birthday to our beloved Eretz Yisrael!

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