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October 18, 2024
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SAR HS Achdut Room Adds More Meaning to Mac-a-Bee

Last week, SAR HS struggled with the question, “How can we have our annual Mac-a-Bee (color war) program during such a trying time for our people?” In an effort to make this long-anticipated, ruach filled, beautiful event more meaningful and even more connected to Israel, it was decided that Mac-a-Bee would be a tribute to the collective strength of Am Yisrael.

“In addition to placing a greater emphasis on educational themes throughout various events, SAR set aside a room in the building to focus exclusively on Medinat Yisrael and achdut,” explained Rabbi Shlomo Wadler, Judaic Studies teacher and one of the teachers teaching how to tie tzizit in the room, “In this achdut room, students and faculty gathered to show their love and support for our brothers and sisters in Israel.”

The Ivrit department, under the leadership of Merav Zuriel, worked to ensure that every aspect of the room be tasteful, intentional and an act of kindness and connection. “The room was a place that helped us make a connection between our regular daily routine and our thoughts and action about what’s happening in Israel,” said Zuriel.

As many IDF soldiers have shown a renewed interest in wearing tzitzit, students and faculty joined many other organizations here and in Israel in tying tzitzit for our soldiers. They made bracelets for children experiencing the hardships of war, in an effort to show them that they are not alone in this difficult time. They also wrote letters of chizuk to soldiers, and condolence letters to families who have lost loved ones, to demonstrate that while they may be b’sof ma’arav (West), their hearts are indeed in the mizrach (East).

“The fact that we were able to come together in the midst of the exciting competition and not only take a moment to think about the war, but to actually contribute to the war cause, was amazing,” said senior Jonah Wiesel.

Throughout the two days of Mac-a-Bee, students and teachers kept on returning to the room, in their free time. Even after the room was closed, students expressed an interest in continuing to tie tzitzit!

“The Achdut Room not only provided a great space for me to learn how to tie Tzitzit, it allowed me to connect with the chayalim and the sacrifices they make for Israel and Jews all around the world. They protect us physically so we must protect them spiritually with our tefilot and by tying tzitzit for them,” said senior David Farkas.

In one of the most meaningful moments, Elia Levkovitz, a friend of Sharon Haber, a new Ivrit teacher, spoke to students and teachers, while on a short trip to the U.S. (as part of his service to Tzahal), about his experiences in Gaza. He is part of a special paratroopers task force. Levkovitz has been fighting since the beginning of the war and has  taken part in the fights in the Gaza border villages. His unit was one of the first ones into the South region of Gaza. It was inspirational to hear him speak about his mission and dedication to the people and land of Israel.

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