In a momentous gathering this past weekend, 720 members of the SAR High School community, including students and faculty, joined together for a Schoolwide Shabbaton. The Shabbaton affords students the unique opportunity to interact with and get to know both students from other grades and faculty members outside of the classroom. Through schoolwide moments like the Friday night Tisch, singing together at Shabbat meals, tefillah b’tzibbur, Havdalah and a Motzaei Shabbat chagiga, students and faculty got to experience the truth of the phrase “B’rov Am Hadrat Melech”—that God is most glorified when a large group gathers together.
“Our Schoolwide Shabbaton is both a unique and staple feature of the SAR High School experience, “ said Ms. Amanda Klatt, Director of Student Activities. “Coming together as an entire high school community for a shabbat is an incredibly powerful and enriching experience for all who attend. There are so many ways in which students and faculty build and strengthen relationships over the course of the Shabbaton, and so many opportunities to strengthen one’s connection both to the school and to their Judaism. I am privileged to work with an incredibly talented group of people who make this amazing weekend possible.”
The weekend kicked off with a trip to Chelsea Piers in Stamford, Connecticut where students engaged in ice skating, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, batting cages, rock climbing and more. It was the perfect start to an exciting weekend spent together.
Once at the hotel, the students gathered for lunch and watched a video spiel created by High School faculty, “SAR’s Got Talent,” which connected to the Shabbaton’s theme of Shmirat HaLashon, guarding one’s tongue. Students further explored the theme through thought provoking discussion groups, where they explored nuanced situations in which the proper verbal response is not so clear. According to the Director of Educational Programming, Ms. Shuli Taubes, “Our goal is that this theme will help students develop greater awareness and self-reflection, encourage thoughtful communication, and ultimately help us become more responsible speakers.” The theme was further communicated by both of our principals; Rabbi Tully Harcsztark in his Pre-Mussaf address and Rabbi Jonathan Kroll in his address during Slow Shira at Seuda Shlishit. We are grateful to all faculty members, representing the Judaic Studies, General Studies, College Guidance and Mental Health departments, who gave elective sessions connected to the theme as well.
Several other highlights of the shabbaton included a moving Kabbalat Shabbat, singing a schoolwide song led by Rabbi Danny Kroll during the Friday night circle, attending an epic, ruach-filled Tisch, playing SAR Taboo on Shabbat afternoon, and singing along at Karaoke on Motzaei Shabbat.
“The shabbaton was undoubtedly the best SAR Schoolwide Shabbaton any of us have experienced,” says Junior Zachy G. “From the beautiful davening to the lively tisch, and from circle time to the motzaei shabbos chagigah, the entire shabbos was filled with endless ruach. It was truly inspiring and incredible.” “One thing that I loved the most about the Shabbaton was the randomized seating on Friday night,” says Senior Lia H-L. “I got to sit with people that I would not normally hang out with and we ended up having a really amazing Friday night dinner.”
While the lower grades cleared out after Shabbat ended, the Seniors stayed until Sunday to watch a renowned hypnotist perform. The seniors spent the rest of the night securing the bond they established throughout their years at SAR and relishing the fleeting time they have left together. It was a schoolwide Shabbaton that will never be forgotten.