Last week SAR Academy was buzzing with excitement as students put their bracha knowledge to the test at the in-school grades third through fifth bracha bee. Two finalists from each class engaged in a spirited competition, answering complex questions about the correct brachot (blessings) for different foods and reciting brachot by heart. The event not only showcased the students’ deep understanding of brachot but also highlighted their dedication to learning. The energy in the room was electric as classmates cheered on their peers. It was truly inspiring to witness the commitment of the finalists and the camaraderie of those who supported them from the audience.
Mazal tov to the winners: Isabella Sneag (Grade 3), Caleb Nahmias (Grade 4), Dael Elishis (Grade 5), David Schramm (Grade 5), Eitan Kadosh-Rogers (Grade 5), and Aryeh Zlochower (Grade 5). Congratulations as well to all of the finalists who competed with skill and enthusiasm. From Grade 3, Asher Lipshitz, Jonah Rotbard, Micah Siegel, Noah Steinberg, Aria Ainsberg, Ronnie Scherban, Eitan Zlochower, Elias Friedman, and Owen Lieber. From Grade 4, Lani Faleck, Elana Rossler, Isaac Nussbaum, Ben Ami Levine, Carmel Itzkowitz, Neta Haber, and Hallel Levine. Representing Grade 5, Gideon Steinberger, Ben Zygler, Ezra Gerber, and Ellen Safdie who are recognized for their outstanding efforts.
Next up, SAR Academy will compete against 13 other schools in the Interschool Bracha Bowl on February 25th. SAR Wishes the team hatzlacha rabba (much success) as they represent the school in this exciting next stage. Mazal tov once again to all of the participants, and to all who made this event such a meaningful and engaging experience.