September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Sefer Bereishit Comes to Life at RPRY

Early childhood and kindergarten made a siyum on sefer Bereishit! Each classroom was transformed into a different parsha. Students went room to room immersed in the Torah brought to life around them; whether making challah in Sarah’s tent (complete with a ‘cloud’ above!), to marching with animals into the teiva before the mabul, to drawing water from the well with Rivka and more. The students wore pajamas to school in honor of this week’s parsha, Vayechi, which includes “Hamalach Hagoel.” RPRY students don’t just learn about the parshiot, they experience Torah through joy!

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