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October 4, 2024
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Shapell’s/MRC and Passaic Torah Institute: A Perfect Match

PTI event with Rabbi Lerner.

(Courtesy of PTI) Yeshiva Ner Boruch-Passaic Torah Institute (PTI) hosted a very successful visit by Rabbi Yitz Lerner, director of Shapell’s Yeshiva and Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya Seminary (MRC) for Women in Jerusalem. The similarities were obvious, with enormous potential for collaboration.

At Shapell’s/MRC), English-speaking college students and young professionals have taken a break from school or left jobs altogether to make Torah Judaism, not material success, the center of their lives. Shapells and MRC have many programs ranging from one week to several years, giving all students, regardless of background or the length of their visit, access to the world of classical Torah study. Their programs immerse students in the infinite world of classic texts, some for their first time.

Women of Neve-PTI with Rabbi Lerner.

In similar manner, PTI and its sister program, Neve for women, the local affiliate of Neve Yerushalayim seminary, provide serious learning on a high level to men and women, regardless of background. Some students learn at PTI before going on to a yeshiva or seminary in Israel. Others come to PTI after a gap year at Shapells/MRC and other yeshivas as alumni returning home. The Passaic community has a comprehensive infrastructure to provide for all returning alumni’s needs. Rabbi Lerner met with students, teachers, rabbeim, local shadchanim, career coaches and housing advisers to ensure alumni returning home will smoothly integrate into the community.

It was a standing room only crowd of 70 men and women, an impressive turnout, considering it was early on a Sunday morning. “This place is on fire!” said Rabbi Lerner in his comments. “I’m putting Passaic on the map. I am so impressed. There’s so much learning here for both men and women, which is rare. I definitely will recommend PTI to our men and women returning to the U.S.”

Rabbi Yitz Lerner of Shapell’s yeshiva and Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya seminary.

PTI and Neve have learning morning, noon and night seven days a week, including five levels of shiurim, from the complete beginner to the most advanced full-time scholar in its kollel. There are many more programs on halacha, hashkafa and Chassidus, and frequent visits by gedolim. There are also several women’s programs throughout the week. Students span every age from teens, to young professionals, to retirees, and come from every walk of life. “People of all backgrounds feel comfortable here,” said Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim, who heads PTI and Neve, adding, “PTI/Neve and Shapell’s/MRC have much in common and many opportunities for partnership.”

PTI is located at 441 Passaic Avenue, Passaic. For info call Shmuel Brodsky 201-406-3814 [email protected]

Rabbi Baruch Bodenheim of PTI and Neve in Passaic.


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