On Motzei Shabbos, Oct. 28, the Shomrei Torah Men’s Club hosted a tzedaka Ping-Pong tournament to raise money for Israel and in support of the shul. Thirty-two players competed for the right to be “Ping-Pong Champ.” While waiting for their chance to win, players were able to play corn hole and enjoy refreshments and pizza. There was one common theme among the four semi-finalists, Avraham Rusanov, Gabe Cohen, Yakir Mayefsky and Aiden Addi; none were old enough to vote.

In the end, Fair Lawn’s Rusanov beat every opponent thrown his way and was declared “champion.” As the winner, Rusanov chose for the tzedaka proceeds to go to the Emergency Relief Fund for the IDF and victims of terror in southern Israel. In total over $1,000 was raised for tzedaka. Tizku L’mitzvot.

By Tara and Dani Miodownik