September 2, 2024
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September 2, 2024
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Simcha Leiner Headlines Rosh Chodesh in Long Branch

(Courtesy of Chabad of the Shore) On Sunday morning, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, the Wave Resort in Long Branch, New Jersey, transformed from a popular hotel for Jewish vacationers into a makom kodesh. Thanks to the generosity of the Kushner family, the rooftop ballroom with its stunning ocean views hosted a minyan that drew nearly 300 participants from diverse backgrounds. The highlight of the davening was a musical Hallel led by Simcha Leiner. The event was organized and sponsored by the Rein, Lindenberg, Bloom, Soclof and Butler families.

Before the Hallel began, Moshe Butler addressed the attendees, quoting his rebbe, Rav Moshe Tzvi Weinberg: “A single person’s prayer is powerful, but the power of communal prayer can burst open the gates of heaven. It’s been 275 days since our brothers and sisters have been held captive. This is something we can do to bring them home.”

Leiner’s deeply moving musical Hallel concluded with a heartfelt Misheberach for the soldiers, his voice and passion bringing many to tears.

Following the prayers, attendees enjoyed a delicious breakfast sponsored by Chavi and David Mizrahi.

May Hashem hear our collective prayers and swiftly bring our hostages home.

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