September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Speaker at RKYHS Highlights One of Israel’s Many Technological Innovations

Every step Dan Webb took on the stage at the RKYHS on Yom Ha’atzmaut sounded like something out of a science fiction movie, with a constant whirring noise reminiscent of RoboCop. But for Webb, this was not fiction; it was the reality of having the ability to walk. Webb came to RKYHS to speak to students on Yom Ha’atzmaut and his inspiring story highlighted just one of the amazing technologies to come out of Israel.

Webb, a paraplegic, was using ReWalk to actually stand and walk. Developed by Israeli inventor Dr. Amit Goffer, himself a quadriplegic, for ReWalk Robotics. The device is a wearable robotic exoskeleton. Strapped onto the legs and body, it moves a user’s hips and knees at the touch of a hand-held control through computer technology and sensors, as the wearer balances his upper body on crutches.

The students were very impressed with and inspired at the amazing technological advances Israel has made in the last 70 years and how it helps change the lives of all types of people.

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