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October 13, 2024
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Spotlight on: Dov (Bernie) Mintz of Fair Lawn

Meet Dov (Bernie) Mintz—an accomplished professional and communal leader, and an avid reader of The Jewish Link, whose six children should all probably be featured in an ad campaign for Yeshiva University.

Dov is a retired lawyer who has practiced labor law for many years. He grew up in Minneapolis, spent his high school years in Chicago, and moved to New York City after receiving a law degree and a master’s in industrial and labor relations. He now lives in Fair Lawn with his wife, Liz, who had been an elementary school teacher and a reading specialist.

Dov and Liz are blessed with six wonderful children:

  • Etan, a congregational rabbi in Baltimore (married to Tammy, a psychologist).
  • Toby, living in Riverdale, who is an actuary and a director in a national accounting firm (married to Debbie Appel, a social worker).
  • Gavi, living in Baltimore, who is a psychologist (married to Azi Grysman, a psychology professor).
  • Shani, living in Riverdale, who had been a teacher and now a stay-at-home- mom (married to Yaakov Greenman, an entrepreneur).
  • Rebecca, living in Fair Lawn, who is the head of a yeshiva high school math department;
  • Yoni, a doctoral graduate student in psychology.

Dov pointed out, with pride, that all their children attended yeshivot, and continued their Jewish and secular studies as undergraduates at Yeshiva University (and Etan received his Semicha there as well). While he is delighted with his children’s educational accomplishments, he is most proud of the fact that they all live Torah-true lives. Dov and Liz also have 12 adorable grandchildren.

Dov and Liz attend shul at Darchei Noam, and Dov has been on its board for several years. He is also on the board of the Paterson Hebrew Free Loan Association.In the past, he has been on the board of Shomrei Torah Synagogue and the president of its Men’s Club, as well as a representative to the Fair Lawn Jewish Community Council.

Additionally he is active with the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey and has been a Super Sunday chairman. In his spare time, pre-pandemic, he had been a volunteer visiting sick patients at Valley Hospital.

Dov loves spending time with family, watching classical television shows from his youth, and fishing. Additionally, he is a voracious reader and looks forward to receiving The Jewish Link and devouring it every week. In fact, he joked, “I often have to fight off other family members to read it.”

When asked about his favorite parts of the newspaper, he said: “There are many interesting sections, including letters to the editor, op-eds, and articles by Rabbi Haim Jachter, Rabbi Dr. Wallace Greene, Rabbi Dr. Avi Kuperberg and of course, Nina Glick. I also enjoy various divrei Torah, and humorous articles written by Mordechai Shmutter and Jon Kranz.”

He is proud (justifiably!) that The Jewish Link has printed his letters to the editor and an essay he wrote about his Holocaust-surviving parents, Victor and Toby Mintz, z”l, in commemoration of Yom Hashoah.

He added: “I can truly say that reading The Jewish Link regularly keeps me abreast of what is happening in my community and stimulates me. It also adds greatly to my Oneg Shabbat.”

We thank him for his loyal and enthusiastic readership.

By Harry Glazer


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