On the sixth night of Chanukah, Chabad of Yonkers’ Rabbi Hurwitz led a Chanukah procession of almost two dozen cars, each with a brightly lit “Happy Chanukah” sign and a lit electric menorah on top, illuminating Yonkers with a wonderful parade of menorahs. The car parade ended at Yonkers’ Nahmias et Fils Distillery for pizza, warm latkes, sufganiyot and birthday cake celebrating the rabbi’s son Chaim’s 16th birthday.

The Chanukah celebrations continued at Yonkers City Hall on Chanukah’s seventh evening with Mayor Mike Spano lighting the shammash and other dignitaries kindling other lights, followed by a plentiful kosher dinner and sufganiyot.

Robert Kalfus can be reached at [email protected] or 917 379-4165.
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