The kinderlach in Stein Yeshiva’s 3-year-old class were very excited to learn about Chanukah. They played dreidel, sang new songs, created many wonderful art projects and conducted oil related science experiments. The children were very busy, but they did not forget the part of the Chanukah story where B’nai Yisrael continued to learn Torah, do mitzvot and have good middot. The children love to do mitzvot, collecting many “leaves” for their mitzvah note tree. This week, they were engaged in a very important chesed project to remember the kinderlach in Eretz Yisrael. They created beautiful dreidel artwork then dictated to the morahs the heartwarming messages they wanted to send to children in Israel. The messages were scanned and distributed through “Our Family First,” a program that assists chayalim. The children were aware that just like the Maccabees, the chayalim are fighting to protect Eretz Yisrael. May Hashem protect our brave chayalim and grant them success.