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October 1, 2024
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Striving for Consistency in the New Year: A Key to Successful Weight Loss

As we approach Rosh Hashanah, we embrace a time of reflection, renewal and setting intentions for the year ahead. It’s a fresh start — an opportunity to reassess our habits, set new goals and strive for positive change. For those seeking to improve their health and shed unwanted weight, one of the most important aspirations to focus on is consistency.

When it comes to weight loss and overall well-being, consistency is the single most powerful tool we have. Let’s explore why consistency is the secret ingredient to success and how you can apply it in the coming year.

  1. Consistency in Eating Nutritious Foods

Start by making whole, nutrient-rich foods the foundation of your diet. Prioritize eating meals that are high in fiber and protein and low in added sugars. Including these components not only keeps you feeling satisfied longer, but it also supports healthy digestion and balanced energy levels. Consistently choosing real, whole foods over processed options doesn’t mean perfection — it’s about making those choices more often than not. This approach, especially around the holidays when indulgences are more frequent, is what leads to lasting change.

  1. Consistency in Movement

Find a physical activity you enjoy and are likely to stick with, whether it’s walking, dancing, yoga or strength training. Aim to engage in this movement daily or most days of the week. When exercise feels like a natural part of your routine rather than a chore, consistency will follow. And if you can, find a partner or join a group! Accountability from others, whether friends, family or community members, makes it more likely that you’ll show up and stick with it.

  1. Consistency in Mindful Eating

It’s easy to overeat during long, celebratory meals over the holidays and Shabbat. Pay attention to how you feel at the table. If you’re going back for seconds (or thirds) when you’re already comfortably full, ask yourself why. Are you eating because the food is there, or out of habit? Consistently practicing mindful eating — recognizing hunger and fullness cues, savoring each bite and stopping when satisfied — will help you navigate these long meals with intention and joy, rather than guilt.

  1. Consistency in Meal Planning

Consistency doesn’t mean complexity. Choose one-two breakfasts, two-three lunches, and four-five dinners that you enjoy, are healthy and easy to prepare. Put them on repeat. Simple, predictable meal plans reduce decision fatigue and make it easier to stick with healthy eating habits. When you know what you’re making and when, you’re less likely to resort to takeout or quick, unhealthy options.

  1. Consistency in Challenging Food Rules

Many of us have internalized rigid food rules, like “I can’t eat carbs at dinner” or “Desserts are off-limits.” But these rules often backfire, leading to frustration, cravings and feelings of failure. If you’ve labeled certain foods as “forbidden,” challenge these beliefs. Make a habit of asking yourself whether a rule is helping or hindering your long-term progress. Instead of categorizing foods as “good” or “bad,” strive for balance and moderation.

  1. Consistency in Managing Stress

Stress is a natural part of life, but consistently turning to food for comfort can interfere with weight loss goals. Discover alternative ways to cope with stress, such as journaling, taking deep breaths, asking for support, or even enjoying a brisk walk. Building a consistent stress management practice can reduce emotional eating and promote a healthier relationship with food.

  1. Consistency in Kind Self-Talk

After overeating or a period of weight gain, what’s the conversation that happens in your head? Is it critical and judgmental or compassionate and curious? Consistency in how you talk to yourself is key to learning and growth. Acknowledge setbacks without letting them derail your efforts. Work toward building a kinder, more compassionate internal dialogue that encourages learning from mistakes and moving forward.

  1. Consistency in Staying Focused on Your Own Journey

We’re all different. What works for your friend or relative might not work for you. Focus on what your body needs and stay in your own lane. Your weight loss journey is unique, and comparing yourself to others can create unnecessary pressure.
Consistently honoring your individual needs and preferences will set you up for long-term success.

  1. Consistency Over the Weekend

If you find yourself constantly “starting over” every Monday, it might be a sign that the weekends need more attention. Consistency during the weekends doesn’t mean avoiding enjoyment altogether, it means creating a balance. Make conscious choices that allow for enjoyment without overdoing it so Monday feels like a continuation rather than a restart.

  1. Consistency in Patience

Weight loss is rarely linear. Even if you’re doing everything right, the scale might not always reflect your hard work. Consistency in patience is crucial. Know that your efforts — eating mindfully, moving regularly and managing stress — are building a foundation for health, even when the numbers don’t show it right away. Trust that steady, consistent habits will bring you closer to your goals.

As we enter the New Year, let’s commit to consistency, not perfection. Each small, repeated effort adds up to big results over time. May this Rosh Hashanah bring you renewed strength, resilience, and the determination to stay the course. Shana Tova U’Metukah — a sweet, healthy, and successful New Year!

Alyson Small is a registered dietitian who helps women achieve a sustainable weight loss of 10 pounds or more without food rules or an all-or-nothing mindset. Once an avid follower of food rules, she realized that eating more balanced and mindfully was the key to a healthy diet and food freedom. Follow her on Instagram @alysonsmallnutrition for more nutrition tips, recipes and freebies.

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