March 10, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Support Scott Garrett, a Trusted Friend of Israel

Whether you are a Trump or Clinton supporter (or specifically voting against one of the two), I am puzzled that members of our community who hold Israel dear to their hearts would consider turning their backs and voting against the incumbent, Mr. Scott Garrett, a longtime tried and tested staunch supporter of Israel. While his opponent does trumpet his AIPAC membership, and while in the private sector he may indeed have been pro-Israel, funny things happen when one gets to Washington. I truly find it hard to believe that Mr. Gottheimer, as a rookie congressman, will buck his party and potentially the president (in the case of a Clinton victory) to vocally voice support for Israel (when such support may fly in the face of policies espoused by the party). Political courage and moral clarity are extremely hard to come by. For every Senator Menendez, and on a local level, Mark Schwartz (Teaneck Democratic councilman and co-publisher of the Jewish Link), who are willing to defy the will of their own party when it comes to Israel, there are hundreds who will just march to the beat of the “R” or “D” next to their name.

In the Talmud there is a well-known saying of “bari v’shema, bari adif.” Generally this means, if you have a known certainty vs. an uncertainty, we should follow the certainty. While our trust and beliefs should never be in politicians of either party, but rather in the One Above, it is incumbent upon all of us to expend all effort necessary that we can as citizens with the blessing of the ability to vote for our representatives. We do not know what the future will hold, but why take such a risk when we have a known quantity already representing us in Congress? I can only implore all Jewish Link readers to honestly introspect as to which of these candidates has the track record and history of Israel support where it counts the most. Mr. Garrett is that man and has earned your vote.

Yosef Korn


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