TABC places great value on the rebbe-talmid relationship and the warm environment it creates throughout the school and beyond. To that end, rebbeim invited the students from their Gemara shiurim to celebrate a Simchat Beit HaShoeva in their sukkot over Chol HaMoed. A group of juniors and seniors also went with Rabbi Yablok, Mr. Poleyeff and Rabbi Finkelstein to Boro Park to experience a leibedik and inspiring Simchat Beit HaShoeva Tour throughout the community.
For the fourth consecutive year, TABC was proud to provide a Simchat Torah evening for talmidim. Well over 100 boys came to dance with their friends and teachers in the TABC beit midrash. The ruach in the room was electric as the Yeshiva celebrated Simchat Torah with genuine enthusiasm. Students enjoyed shiurim from their rebbeim between Mincha and Maariv before hakafot. To cap off a wonderful night of ruach-filled dancing, a festive BBQ was provided as seudat Yom Tov, which everyone enjoyed together. TABC is thrilled to provide an opportunity for talmidim to connect to Simchat Torah in a program specifically geared towards teens. What wonderful, holy ways to celebrate zman simchateinu with TABC faculty.
While students were celebrating stateside, alumni were gathering for the annual Israel reunion at Big Apple Pizza. It was wonderful to see how many alumni came to gather together with each other and former Rebbe Rabbi Nosson Rich, who made aliyah last year. The smiles were ever-present and the spirit was classic TABC!