On Sunday, March 22, a group of freshmen in Mrs. Goldenberg’s biology class conducted Zoom interviews with Rabbi Jachter about CRISPR (embryonic gene editing) technology and Halacha. Rabbi Jachter, who has written four books and hundreds of articles about contemporary halachic issues, went through a variety of issues with the students, including the distinction between therapeutic and “cosmetic” editing, human and non-human gene editing, and safety issues. The issue of discarded unedited fertilized embryos was discussed and the hashkafic (philosophical) issue of the limits of human intervention in Hashem’s design was also addressed. These select students will be sharing what they learned in bio class this week as they complete their genetic engineering unit. This is a wonderful example of the TABC hashkafa of Torah U’Madda in action where the world of Torah and the world of science interact in a way that makes us proud to be the bearers of the great Sinaitic tradition. Students grasped that the precious Torah continues to inform us about even the most cutting edge of technological advances. What a kiddush Hashem!