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October 18, 2024
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TABC Leadership Kollel Is in Full Swing

The TABC Leadership Kollel is an exciting new initiative at TABC that provides motivated bnei Torah with the opportunity to be part of a specialized limudei kodesh program. The TABC Leadership Kollel is a two-year commitment beginning in ninth grade. This program aims to empower young leaders and train our students to become active participants of talmud Torah in our local Jewish community and beyond.

Many young men already show a genuine drive for Torah learning beyond the required classroom hours. Whether it’s daily night seder, Gemara bekiut or high level shiurim from visiting roshei yeshiva, the Leadership Kollel provides a structured program through which students can flourish both in a group setting and independently.

TABC was proud to welcome Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg, YU rosh yeshiva and Rabbi Shay Schachter, mara d’atra of Young Israel of Woodmere, to address the Leadership Kollel this month. In addition, the TABC Leadership Kollel was invited to join the top shiur of juniors and seniors for Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky’s Friday shiur klali.

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