Rabbi Shlomo Stochel’s freshman/sophomore shiur spent a lively Shabbat together in Teaneck for Parshat Teruma/Shekalim/Rosh Chodesh. Each talmid was asked to prepare a dvar Torah to be delivered at one of the seudot over the course of Shabbat. Most prepared standard length divrei Torah but a few of the sophomores presented mini-shiurim: Micky Cyrulnik ‘27 delivered a shiur Friday night featuring a new perspective on Megillat Esther, Zachy Maron ‘27 spoke after the early mincha at Rinat about proper preparation for a rendezvous with Hashem, and at seudah shlishit, Eli Hochberg ‘25 provided an analysis of the various halachic approaches to drinking at the Purim seudah. The Ratzersdorfer family graciously hosted the Friday night meal, commenting, “We loved seeing the shiur in action and we were so impressed with the caliber of learning—that every time a student gave a dvar Torah, others responded with questions, comments and feedback. They were all so engaged with the learning even outside the classroom.” The students then made their way over to the Gilad home for the weekly TABC Oneg, davened together the next morning at the teen minyan at Rinat and enjoyed lunch at the Stochel home. After seudah shlishit, hosted generously by the Hochberg family, the Shabbaton concluded with a musical Havdalah and dancing. TABC would like to thank all the hosts who enabled the talmidim to come together for an exciting Shabbat of Torah, tefillah, ruach and shiur bonding.