Dozens of TABC students were awarded a free sefer this week for participating in TABC’s Shnayim Mikra Challenge. The popular program has been running for five years at TABC, and welcomes students, alumni, parents and others to take a quiz on the weekly parsha with Rashi each Motzei Shabbat. Each year, students are gifted sefarim in advance of Parshat Terumah to help them learn the upcoming parshiyot with a visual aid. With these sefarim, students truly appreciate the intricacies of the halachot related to the keilim of the Mishkan and the clothing of the Kohanim. This year, first year participants received “The Mishkan Illuminated,” second year participants received “The Bigdei Kehuna Illuminated,” and those who are now participating for their third year received “The Rashi Challenge,” a quiz book covering Rashi on the Torah. TABC applauds all of the participants in this wonderful program, led by Rabbi Yoni Mandelstam.