On Shabbos November 10-11, 65 TABC students descended on Fair Lawn for TABC’s community shabbaton. Several times a year, TABC students and faculty bring the ruach of TABC on the road for Shabbos and Fair Lawn is always a highlight of the season. This year’s shabbaton included a Friday night oneg with the legendary Rabbi Binyamin Yudin in the Yudin home and a meaningful seuda shelishit with the Darchei Noam community. Over the course of Shabbos, students were able to hear shiurim from TABC rebbeim and meet the local rabbanim while TABC’s Fair Lawn students had the opportunity to host their friends. Special thanks to the Noble and Harris families for their generous sponsorships, as well as to all the Fair Lawn families and faculty members who hosted TABC talmidim.