Sukkot is a multifaceted chag and TABC celebrated it in a multifaceted manner. TABC’s talmidim, rebbeim, teachers, and alumni participated in a Simchat Beit Hashoeva in Congregation Keter Torah which included a barbecue seudah and several rounds of lively dancing. After Maariv, a contingent of students continued onto Boro Park to experience the Simchat Hachag there. Talmidim had the unique opportunity to see how various Chassidic sects (Karlon-Stolin, Munkatch, Bubov and Stuchink) celebrate their Simchot Beit Hashoeva. Faculty continued the TABC tradition of hosting students in their homes with an additional Simchat Beit Hashoeva in Monsey with Rabbi Joel Grossman and Dr. Joel Berman, Science Department Chair. Rabbis Josh Kahn and Sariel Malitzky also welcomed current and past talmidim into their own homes and sukkot for learning, singing and food. Meanwhile, alumni who are learning in yeshiva in Israel continued to maintain their kesher to the yeshiva, as they had their annual reunion in Yerushalayim with Coach Bobby Kaplan. This year they were also privileged to be mekabel pnei rabbo b’rekel, with Rabbi Adler participating in the reunion. Rabbi Tzvi Yaakov Miretzky, Director of Student Activities at the yeshiva commented, “We could not be prouder of our students for the way they chose to celebrate Sukkot and really incorporate “v’samachta b’chagecha” into their chag, and in so many different ways! What an incredible experience!”