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October 14, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

The month of Adar Bet began with a very special Rosh Chodesh family mask-making activity, with parents joining their children in class. The children were completely immersed in the messages they learned from Megillat Esther: bravery, standing up for what is important, taking action and knowing that Hashem is always with us. Everyone made hamantashen and created their own unique graggers from a selection of media.

Before Purim, students visited The Atria to entertain the residents with their fabulous Purim singing. The Tamim learners received a rapturous applause, despite a touch of initial nerves.

On Purim day, students enjoyed an action-packed Purim Carnival where they experienced all the mitzvot of Purim. Everyone dressed up and partook in a rotation of activities, designed around the four Purim mitzvot. The Tamim learners drew “lots” to find a friend to give mishloach manot to, designed the gift box, went “shopping” in the class shop to purchase items to fill the box, and finally gave it to the intended friend.

For the Purim feast, everyone made a challah, set the table and wrote a shopping list of what else they needed for the special seuda. Children enjoyed an abridged version of the Megillah, joining in with all the parts they knew so well. Using all the coins Tamim NYC families collected in the Purim coin tzedaka challenge, students counted and donated them to Chabad of the West Side to distribute as matanot l’evyonim on Purim. With a bouncy castle, face painting, cotton candy and a family Purim sing-a-long, the Tamim Academy NYC Purim Carnival rightly earned the children’s praise as, “The best school day ever!”

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