Located in the heart of the West Englewood neighborhood, Christ Church at 479 Maitland Avenue in Teaneck is experiencing a tremendous uptick in the request for food provisions from their food pantry. According to Reverend Dr. Michele White, three months ago the pantry was serving about 10 people per week. With the onset of COVID-19 and the resulting increase in food insecurity, more than 100 local families each week have come to their doors asking for food provisions.
“Our current need for food and monetary donations has become overwhelming,” she said.
The items that are most needed are peanut butter, beans, rice, pancake mix, shelf stable milk, baby food, diapers (sizes 4 to 6), pancake syrup, pasta, juice, canned meat, sauce, soup, cereal, jelly, oatmeal, canned fruit, tuna fish, and macaroni and cheese.
All items can be dropped off, while adhering to social distancing, at the doors closest to the church end of 479 Maitland. If you prefer, a check can be made out to Christ Episcopal Church with “Discretionary Fund” in the memo line. The church mailing address is 480 Warwick Avenue, Teaneck, NJ 07666.
Along with their request to neighboring faith communities was the following financial statement: “Please be assured that every cent of every donation will be used on behalf of our community. As a non-profit organization, exempt from taxation under section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code, Christ Church is bound to maintain high standards in our financial dealings and even higher standards in our gospel mission.”
By Jewish Link Staff