For almost 20 years, Teaneck Dentist has been setting aside a Sunday once or twice a year as a “checkup party” to offer children a fun way to experience dental visits. The waiting room is turned into a magic show, and the entire office takes on a party atmosphere. Each room has its own theme. Balloons are everywhere. And every kid goes home with a pack full of prizes as well as sparkling clean teeth!
The next Teaneck Dentist checkup party is scheduled for March 20 at 100 State Street in Teaneck from 8:50 a.m. until 1p.m. Resident magician, Gary, is all set to perform. There will also be an orthodontist on hand if any parent is interested in discussing options in teeth straightening and/or space management. Eight skilled hygienists will be cleaning teeth with kindness, care, and the best, most modern equipment available, and three five-star doctors will be conscientiously doing the examinations.
This awesome event is coming up soon, but there are still a few spots available. To make sure your children don’t miss this great opportunity to actually enjoy going to the dentist, call (201)837-3000 as soon as possible to schedule appointments for Checkup Party day. Most dental insurance is accepted. Regular fees apply.