(Courtesy of OU-JLIC) Reserve soldiers in Israel facing shortages in essential supplies are receiving critical assistance from dynamic community leaders, including Rabbi Noam and Shiffy Friedman, former residents of Teaneck.
The Friedmans have been at the helm of JLIC Mizrachi at Reichman University in Herzliya since August 2022, following an eight-year tenure as directors of JLIC at Columbia University/Barnard College, where they played a pivotal role in nurturing a vibrant Jewish community on campus. At Reichman University, the Friedmans have extended their commitment to provide a welcoming environment for a diverse group of students, professionals, chayalim, bnot sherut and recent olim. Now, they are stepping up to support the broader Israeli community in times of crisis.
“On Shabbat Simchat Torah, many of our community members transitioned swiftly from being called up for aliyot to the Torah to being called up for battle,” said Shiffy. “A significant number are bravely serving around the country, and those of us still in Herzliya are working around the clock to support them and ensure they have the best possible equipment to defend our country.”
In a mere 48 hours since the first air raid siren sounded, Rabbi Noam and Shiffy have emerged as a powerhouse duo, addressing every conceivable need, including financial, physical, emotional and spiritual.
They successfully raised an impressive $50,000, which was promptly channeled towards providing soldiers with essential gear such as bulletproof vests, tactical gloves, knee pads, helmets, Leatherman tools and flashlights.
In addition to material support, they arranged for the delivery of hundreds of meals to hungry soldiers stationed at multiple army bases, with community members personally delivering these much-needed supplies.
The Friedmans also opened their home to 20 JLIC members, providing them with the opportunity to speak with a professional psychologist.
They organized a kumzitz and Tehillim recital in Herzliya to foster a sense of togetherness and comfort. They distributed pizzas to 550 refugees from the southern region of Israel. This generous act caught the attention of Chase Bank, prompting this response from Shiffy: “Yes, Chase Bank, I did just purchase that much pizza in an hour from my house. Thanks for checking in.”
In a heartfelt video message to the JLIC community, Rabbi Friedman expressed his deep pride and admiration for the soldiers and reservists who are on the front lines defending their homeland. He also extended his gratitude to those supporting the soldiers and their families in the South, offering unwavering support and a listening ear to anyone in need.
Noah Chasir, a soldier receiving a delivery of supplies and equipment at his base, was overwhelmed with gratitude by the JLIC care packages. “You guys are really amazing,” he exclaimed. “You knew exactly what to bring. My friend wanted to join his team, but the army unit didn’t have enough tactical helmets left. You guys got him a proper helmet, and now he has everything he needs to rejoin his team. I’m truly honored to be a part of such a special community. We’re going to fight for you guys and all of Am Yisroel.”