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October 18, 2024
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Dovid Hamelech’s legacy lives on like never before!

Rabbi Yona Reiss

(Courtesy of Tehillim on Klaf) Tehillim on Klaf Tefillah will have 17 speakers over 17 days of Elul to give chizuk and inspiration to klal Yisroel.

Speakers to include: Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg, rosh yeshiva, Yeshiva Zichron Leyma; Rabbi Dee Leo, Efrat; Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich, Congregation Beth Shalom, Lawrence; Rabbi Chizkiyahu Neventzal, chief rabbi, Old City, Yerushalayim; Rabbi Dovid Gross, Kehilas Beis Doniel, Cleveland; Rabbi Chanan Gordon, Los Angeles; Rabbi Dovid Shaw, Sandton Shul, Johannesburg; Rabbi Yosef Alon, Kol Yisroel Achim, Great Neck; Rabbi Yaakov Rahimi, Lakewood; Rabbi Elliot Schrier, Congregation Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck; Rabbi Yosef Galimidi, Edmond J Safra Shul, Aventura; Rabbi Tzvi Sobolofsky, rosh yeshiva of RIETS, Congregation Ohr Torah, Bergenfield; Rabbi Yona Reiss, av beis din CRC, Chicago; Rabbi Dovid Ozeri, Yad Yosef Torah Center; Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen, Khal Ateres Yeshaya, Lakewood; Rabbi Menachem Penner, dean of RIETS; Rabbi Yehoshua Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe.

Rabbi Elliot Schrier, Congregation Bnai Yeshurun.

It will take place during the month of Elul by LiveStream. For more information, please visit

Tehillim on Klaf Tefillah has created awareness for the more powerful Tehillim and tefillah. Klal Yisroel needs so many yeshuos and refuah now, more than ever before. What could be more beneficial in these times than uniting to join a Tehillim and a tefillah being read daily, being read from a hand-written sefer Tehillim on klaf—written by a sofer mumche (expert scribe)—and possesses the authentic powers as Dovid Hamelech wrote it.

Rabbi Leo Dee, Efrat.

The Steipler Gaon, zt”l, in Karyana De Igarta, discusses the significance of reciting Tehillim from a klaf, (parchment), written by an expert sofer following all dinim of stam. The Steipler Gaon, zt”l, is stating that such a tefillah is “retzuya umekubeles beyoser,” it is on a higher level and meriting “greater acceptance” above.

Tehillim on Klaf Tefilah serves as a source of tefillah, yeshuos and hope for Klal Yisroel globally.

Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky, Congregation Ohr Torah.
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