Tenafly Chabad Academy rolled out the Kids for Kindness in Kislev initiative right after Rosh Chodesh Kislev. Coordinated by Director of Student Services Karen Goldberg, Kids for Kindness in Kislev was inspired by the #Kislevisforkindness initiative. The program was first introduced to every class in grades one through eight. Every day during the morning arrival meeting, that day’s acts of kindness was announced to the school, and the previous day’s act of kindness was reviewed. Students in grades one through four were given a “Chanukah dollar” for each day that they completed the specified act of kindness. Those dollars were exchanged for prizes during a Chanukah celebration this past Thursday. In addition, as part of the movement to spread the light of kindness around the world, the students of TCA have been collecting food for those in need throughout the month. The impact of the Kids for Kindness in Kislev project has been observed and felt by staff and students alike. As one teacher commented, “Instead of telling on each other, the students are running to share the acts of kindness of their friends!” Mitzvah goreret mitzvah!