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October 18, 2024
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Sometimes the answer to an impossible halachic question is a human solution.

Let me explain. First, the background: Soldiers who have been in Gaza for some time are being given a 24-hour break. They come out of Gaza to an army center in Ashkelon. There, they get a chance to shower, wash their clothes, see family and then go back to their posts in Gaza the next day.

On Thursday night, Rav Rimon received a halachic question from the logistics coordinator of an IDF unit. Soldiers will be coming out of Gaza on Friday at noon, and returning to Gaza on Shabbat morning. Their wives and children and parents want to see them, but if they drive to see them, they won’t make it back home in time for Shabbat! May they drive on Shabbat?

Rav Rimon said that in this situation, a family member could not break Shabbat.

But, the questioner continued, these are soldiers who haven’t seen their loved ones for weeks, and we don’t know how long they will continue to be in Gaza. If they come out and cannot see their families, their break will be frustrating and depressing rather than refreshing. And their mood and morale are also serious factors affecting their confidence and safety behind enemy lines. Is there no way that the families can drive home on Shabbat according to halacha?

Rav Rimon asked: “Is there a possibility that the families can stay in a hotel for Shabbat?”

The IDF coordinator responded: “But we just don’t have money for that!”

As Rav Rimon was on the phone, he was sitting next to a rabbi who was visiting on a solidarity mission from Teaneck. The visiting rabbi interjected, “If that is the solution, we would be happy to help fund the hotel.”

So Rav Rimon and his team started looking for a hotel to host a group of families in under 24 hours notice! But since Ashkelon has been under rocket attack, all the hotels in Ashkelon were closed! He finally found a guest-house whose owner had evacuated the city but came back to reopen the guest-house to provide a respite for the soldiers and their families. Rav Rimon found volunteers to purchase and transport food, toiletries, toys and books for the children and everything else the families would need for Shabbat.

Forty families were now able to celebrate Shabbat together and give their loved ones some love, care and attention before they returned to fight in Gaza.

Sometimes the best answer to a seemingly impossible halachic problem is a human solution, an act of support and kindness. In this case it was a true expression of a deep caring and a huge investment of time, energy, money and logistics.

I know because Rav Rimon told the story in shul on Friday night.

I know because my son is one of those soldiers.

Thank you to סולמות and הרב יוסף צבי רימון, to Rav Rimon’s tireless team of volunteers who have brought equipment, a smile and a pick-me-up to many thousands of soldiers over the past month with their endless efforts and contributions. And thanks of course to Rabbi Ari Zahtz and the community of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck for your kindness and support.

Rabbi Alex Israel

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