March 4, 2025

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Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821 -1881) is ranked as one of the greatest novelists of world literature, as many of his works are considered highly influential masterpieces. The Russian novelist and philosopher eruditely described the human condition in the troubled political, social and spiritual atmosphere of 19th-century Russia. Here is one of his most memorable quotes from one of his famous novels, “Crime and Punishment” (1878): “The darker the night, the brighter the stars; the deeper the grief, the closer is God!”

It is unclear if Dostoyevsky had coined this enlightening phrase while reading Parshat Bo, but there is certainly ample room to conduct a deep dive into how God instructed Moshe to initiate the ninth plague of darkness. The verse states: “Stretch forth your hand toward the heavens, and there will be darkness over the land of Egypt, and the darkness will become darker. Moses stretched forth his hand toward the heavens, and there was thick darkness over the entire land of Egypt for three days. They did not see each other, and no one rose from his place for three days, but for all the children of Israel there was light in their dwellings” (Shemot, 10:21-23).

What does it mean that the “darkness will become darker?”

My 11th grade rebbe from MTA, Rabbi Yitzchok Isaac Suna, zt”l, loved to learn Rashi. He would say: “Boys, Rashi is your chavrusa. He always anticipates your questions.” Turning to Rashi we learn that when the verse states, “And the darkness will become darker,” it is signifying that the darkness will become darker upon them than the darkness of night, and the darkness of night will become even darker (“V’yameish choshech—intensified darkness”). Since this phrase is somewhat opaque, let’s briefly explore the thoughts of the Kli Yakar, Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh and Rabbainu Bachye in order to better understand Rashi’s commentary.

Kli Yakar explains that the “intensification of darkness” occurred when God transferred the darkness of the Jewish people’s nightfall to daylight, thereby intensifying the darkness. The Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh explains that the darkness emanated from gehenom which was so intense that it prevented Egyptian movement and sight. Rabbainu Bachye explains that chronologically, the morning had begun but then the sky turned black replacing the sunshine, signifying the origin of a new plague.

The second question is raised by the Netivot Shalom. If the purpose of the ninth plague was to bring darkness, why not reach deep into the darkness of the earth’s soil and throw dirt into the sky?

The sefer Toldot Yaakov Yosef, citing Shemot Rabbah (14:2), provides a novel, yet fascinating explanation that relates to our first question above regarding what appears to be superfluous words: “Veyameish choshech—intensified darkness.” God instructed Moshe to bring forth from heaven, a place that emanates only light, a “spiritual article” that would negatively descend upon the Egyptians while positively impacting the Jewish people.

For the very first time, God revealed Gan Eden, literally Heaven, to the Egyptians and Jewish people alike, who were able to bear witness to tzadikim, both past and into the future, sitting and basking in the presence and glory of God, with crowns of majesty adorned upon their heads, enjoying divine radiance, grace and healing light.

This flood of light was so powerful and overwhelming that the Egyptian population experienced intense and agonizing void, cultural futility, and intense shameful pain. This explanation supports all of the above four opinions, giving meaning and enhanced understanding to the necessary words, “V’yameish choshech.” After witnessing Gan Eden, what greater form of darkness could the wicked Egyptians, immersed in vanity, immorality and idolatry, possibly experience?

Concurrently, the Jewish people enjoyed the sharp contrast of intensified light within their dwellings. Indeed, “the darker the night, the brighter the stars; the deeper the grief, the closer is God!” As we steadily welcome home the return of our chatufim—hostages, may we only know and continue to experience “light, gladness, joy and honor” (Megillat Esther 8:16).

Mordechai Plotsker runs a popular 10-minute nightly shiur on the parsha with a keen interest on the invigorating teachings of the Berditchever Rav, the Kedushas Levi. Plotsker resides in Elizabeth with his wife and children, and can be reached by email at [email protected].

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