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September 28, 2024
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The Israeli-Druze Connection: Sefer Torah Donated in Memory of Lifesaving Hero

Bringing together Jewish and Druze leaders in a time of increased tensions and violence in Israel, Chilean-Jewish philanthropist Leonardo Farkash on Sunday, Oct 4, donated a Torah scroll in memory of Master Sergeant Zidan Sayif, the Israeli-Druze policeman murdered in last year’s massacre at the Har Nof synagogue. The Torah scroll was donated to the Haifa Police Headquarters.

Attendants to the ceremony included Sayif’s family, Druze MK Ayood Kara, MK David Azoulay (Religious Affairs) and commanders of the Israeli Police Coastal Region. Many police and Druze dignitaries also celebrated the memory of Sayif.

Farkash was inspired to memorialize Sayif for his heroism and lifesaving efforts by Eli Beer, president and founder of United Hatzalah of Israel. United Hatzalah of Israel stands on the principle of unity, bringing together Arabs, Jews, Christians and Druze as volunteers in providing a community-based emergency medical response program throughout Israel, servicing all populations at no cost. United Hatzalah’s network of over 2,500 medically trained and certified volunteers work around the clock to provide a response time of less than three minutes.

“It is very exciting to see the continuous cooperation between Jews and non-Jews to maintain the safety of Israelis,” said Beer. “The contribution by Mr. Farkash indicates our gratitude to officers of Israel from all religions and ethnic groups.”

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