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September 25, 2024
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The Shabbos Project Comes to Bergen County

The Shabbos Project, a program started on Parshas Noach last year by the chief rabbi of South Africa, was a runway success, with a large majority of South African unaffiliated Jews keeping the entire Shabbos together. Most of them said they would plan to keep Shabbos again in the future.

The Shabbos Project this year is being celebrated worldwide, again on Parshas Noach, October 24 and 25, 2014. Celebrity singer/dancer Paula Abdul and former NFL player Alan Veingrad have both made YouTube videos encouraging others to participate in the event.

The Shabbos Project is being celebrated in Bergen County, with many groups still organizing their activities. So far, organizers for Shabbos Project Bergenfield have met and begun to plan a large kiruv-style Shabbaton with a focus on bringing Jews in to stay for the entire Shabbos. The aim is to allow unaffiliated Jews to experience the joy and rest of Shabbos, with their families, but without the distractions and entrapments of everyday life, like phones and televisions.

Representatives from the Jewish Learning Experience, JYEP and others have met and are planning to run an event called “The Big Challah Bake,” on Thursday night at Congregation Beth Abraham, where participants will prepare and braid donated challah dough, listen to an inspiring talk, and then take home the challah to be baked in host homes. Starting Friday night, the group with have Shabbaton-style activities and meals at Congregation Beth Abraham or Congregation Keter Torah in host homes and elsewhere.

Visit to sign up in your area, or visit The Shabbos Project Bergenfield on Facebook. We will also publicize on our Facebook page other Shabbos Project Shabbatons in other towns as they are announced.

By Elizabeth Kratz

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