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October 23, 2024
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The Shoulders That Carry the ‘Wait of the World’

PUAH rabbis from abroad meet with the gedolim of Eretz Yisrael.

(Courtesy of PUAH) What is it like to be a PUAH rabbi? To spend your days counseling couples who are struggling, longing and waiting desperately for a baby?

There’s the gratitude of being able to help a fellow Jew in such a significant way. The exhilaration in sharing the simcha when a long-awaited baby is born.

But there’s also experiencing up-close the devastating emotional roller coaster ride of the journey. Hoping together with the couple, that maybe this time, the doctor will have good news … but then he doesn’t. Giving the couple strength to push forward to the next round—the next treatment—to allow themselves to feel cautious optimism yet again … only to be told, “Sorry, it didn’t work.”

One of the most wrenching aspects of the fertility journey is the uncertainty of the wait. How much longer will I have to go on? How much longer do I have the strength to go on? When, when, when will my tefillos finally be answered? And PUAH’s rabbinic counselors are right there next to them, shouldering this emotional burden together … Helping them carry the “wait” of the world.

But even rabbis need chizuk and guidance sometimes. And when PUAH’s rabbis have shailos, they turn to our gedolim—those who truly shoulder the weight of the world. A recent trip to Israel by PUAH rabbis from the United States and from our recently-opened branch in Mexico provided just that opportunity, as they met with some of today’s foremost gedolim in Eretz Yisrael and Israel’s rabbonim of Machon PUAH.

In a series of warm and eye-opening conversations, they had the opportunity to consult with the gedolim on complex fertility shailos and discuss PUAH’s activities servicing the communities in the United States and now in Mexico. For some of these gedolim, it was their first time being introduced to PUAH’s American staff; while for others, it was a chance to strengthen an already-established relationship.

Below, Rabbi Elan Segelman—rabbinic director of PUAH United States—describes this momentous trip for us.

What was the purpose of your trip to Israel?

As PUAH’s activities in chutz la’aretz have been continuously expanding, the goal of the trip was to connect the PUAH rabbanim from abroad with those in Israel. In particular, PUAH’s Mexico branch opened a year and a half ago, and this was an opportunity for them to meet our Israeli and United States rabbinic staff.

Our second purpose was to meet with various gedolim, which was a very special opportunity to learn from them and discuss halachic shailos.

Which gedolim did you meet with?

One of the truly unique aspects of PUAH is its inclusivity. We service Jews from all different communities across the spectrum of Orthodoxy—Ashkenazi, Sefardi, Yeshivish, Modern Orthodox—respecting their particular halachic traditions. By the same token, PUAH is highly respected by rabbanim from all of these different communities.

The list of gedolim we visited very much reflected this. We met with Rav Matisyahu Deutsch, the rav of Ramat Shlomo and one of the foremost rabbinic experts in medical halacha in the Israeli Charedi world; Rav Avigdor Nebenzahl, rav of the Old City and renowned posek; Rav Dov Lior, rosh yeshiva of the Kiryat Arba Yeshiva, former chief rabbi of Chevron and one of the leading Dati Leumi rabbanim in Israel; Israeli Chief Rabbi Rav Dovid Lau; former Sefardic Chief Rabbi Rav Shlomo Amar and renowned posek Rav Asher Weiss.

What were some interesting outcomes of your meetings with these gedolim?

It was a very special opportunity to consult with gedolei Yisrael on some of the most intricate fertility halachos. For example, we had a fascinating discussion with Rav Lau about surrogacy and egg donation—in light of the recent embryo mix-up that occurred at the Assuta medical clinic, for which the chief rabbinate was called upon to pasken.

It was quite clear that these gedolim felt that the meetings were mutually beneficial, and that they were eager to gain from our halachic and medical expertise as well. Rav Matisyahu Deutsch was very interested to learn about recent updates in medical halacha and PUAH’s stance on various issues. Rav Asher Weiss was excited to hear that we were experts in genetics and expressed a desire to keep up the connection, as he is often asked about genetic-related shailos. Rav Amar was very impressed to hear about how we’re servicing the American and Mexican communities and excited to be a part of it, offering to be there for us when we need halachic guidance.

It was a true privilege to receive guidance from these rabbanim—as well as to realize how much PUAH’s expertise can be a resource even for the gedolei Yisrael!

Let’s end their wait! Join PUAH’s fundraising campaign June 11-12:

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