There are many wonderful Haggadahs, but now, for the first time, there is a new Haggadah that explains what to do at the seder, how to do it and why we do it! “The Simply Jewish Haggadah,” a beautiful, color Haggadah, is your guide to the Passover seder, and it will help you and your family have a more meaningful seder. But, “The Simply Jewish Haggadah” is so much more than just a Haggadah! It will help you prepare for the seder; suggest how to lead a meaningful seder; tell inspiring Passover-related stories (including three from Yaffa Eliach’s classic, “Hasidic Tales from the Holocaust”); provide an in-depth look at the 10 plagues and the Exodus; and share recipes from the award-winning author Jamie Geller.
This Passover, give your family, friends and co-workers the gift of a more meaningful seder!