Mazal tov to Jacob Colchamiro, Eli Novick and Liana Maza on advancing to the national Chidon HaTanach competition. After a series of written tests over the last several months, all of the scores were tallied for the students who participated in the exams, including a number of students from JKHA and RKYHS. A special yashar koach to Jacob Colchamiro who scored in the top three of all participants from around the country.
Colchamiro’s, Novick’s and Maza’s total scores placed them into the national competition in May. The national competition will cover all of the material from the previous tests—chumash Devarim and Melachim Aleph and Bet—in addition to Megillat Rut and perakim from sefer Iyov (Joab). The winners of the national competition will advance to the International Chidon HaTanach competition in Israel next Yom Ha’atzmaut. Congratulations to all of the Chidon HaTanach participants for their hard work and dedication, and to all of the rebbeim and morot who have guided them in their Torah learning.