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October 18, 2024
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Dear Friends,

As the time has come for us to make aliyah and embark on a new chapter of our life’s journey, we wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude and bid you each and all a loving farewell. Our 43 years here in Teaneck have been filled with remarkable experiences, lasting memories and wonderful relationships that have left an indelible mark on us.

We have been incredibly privileged to live, pray and play amongst and with you in this wonderful community. You have all influenced our lives in so many positive ways, and contributed to our personal growth on so many levels that it is impossible to thank you enough. From the role models you unknowingly presented, the desired and the unsought advice/guidance, the many smachot (joyous occasions) that we shared, the challenges that tested our limits, and to the achievements that showcased our community strength, every moment has been significant and cherished—and has made us better people.

Please know that we carry with us the warmth and wonderful memories of your friendship and the ties of our people. While physical distance may separate us, the bonds we’ve formed will remain unbreakable. We eagerly look forward to staying in touch and seeing each of you in Israel.

We are living in a remarkable era—a time where ancient prophecies are being fulfilled before our very eyes.

Our ancestors could only dream of the establishment of the State of Israel and the ingathering of Jews from around the world, from the four corners of the earth, returning to our ancestral land to build an incredible nation. We are blessed with actually witnessing these modern-day miracles that Hashem has blessed us with.

And just as our ancestors journeyed through the wilderness, facing challenges and uncertainties, so too are we embarking on a new life. But we carry with us the strength of our history, the teachings of our sages, and the hope that has sustained our people for generations, plus the critical fact that all our children and grandchildren are thankfully living in Efrat, Israel. And for that, we owe debts of gratitude to our parents, Camp Moshava and the Teaneck community for having ingrained in each of our children a deep love and awe for the State of Israel and motivating them to lead the path by making aliyah.

The entire book of Devarim (‘Deuteronomy’) holds a profound connection to the concept of aliyah, the act of ascending and making a spiritual and physical return to the land of Israel.

Throughout Devarim, Moses recounts the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to the threshold of the Promised Land, reminding them of their trials, victories and the lessons they learned along the way. Moses also reviews the laws that we must follow upon entering Israel.

In this context, the idea of aliyah takes on a dual meaning. On one hand, it represents the physical ascent of the Israelites from the wilderness to the land flowing with milk and honey. It is the fulfillment of Hashem’s promise to bring His people to the land He swore to their forefathers. This physical aliyah symbolizes the ultimate culmination of the Exodus journey, the completion of the journey initiated by their ancestors.

However, aliyah also has a spiritual connotation in Devarim. Moses emphasizes the importance of the Israelites’ moral and spiritual elevation as they prepare to inherit the land. He exhorts them to remember their history and the commandments, urging them to live with righteousness and justice, to obey God’s laws, and to remember their covenant with Him.

This spiritual aliyah serves as a reminder that returning to the land of Israel is not solely a geographical relocation but a commitment to uphold the values and principles of our faith in our daily lives. It is an opportunity to reconnect with our heritage, reestablish our spiritual roots, and contribute to the ongoing story of our people in our ancestral homeland.

As we consider our own aliyah, we can draw inspiration from Moses’ words in Devarim. Just as he reminded the Israelites of their purpose and destiny, we too must reflect on our own roles in the ongoing narrative of the Jewish people. Our aliyah is an opportunity to contribute to the building of the land, to strengthen our connection to our faith, and to join in the collective endeavor of shaping the future of Israel.

But for those of you not yet ready to make aliyah at this moment, remember the instructions given to Moshe when he approached the burning bush: “Don’t approach here; remove your shoes from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” (Shemot/Exodus 3:5.) This teaches us that despite one’s living in chutz la’aretz (outside the land of Israel), we need to know that where we are is holy nonetheless and we must be loving, good, righteous and observant right where we are. And so, may Devarim inspire all of us to pursue both physical as well as spiritual aliyah.

Now, with the onset month of Elul, we pray that you be granted each of the blessings contained in Birkat HaChodesh (Prayer for the New Month) for a long life of peace, goodness, blessing, sustenance, physical health, fear of heaven and fear of sin, in which there is no shame or humiliation; a life of wealth and honor and love of Torah and fear of God; a life in which the LORD fulfills the requests of our hearts for good. And, “may you stay forever young,” as Bob Dylan said.

Remember, this is not a goodbye but a “see you later, in Jerusalem.” Until we meet again, keep inspiring, achieving, and loving one another.

With heartfelt gratitude and our deepest appreciation,

Mushy and Lenny Fuld


“Going where the weather suits my clothes.” (“Everybody’s Talkin’,” Fred Neil).

Mushy and Lenny Fuld, longtime residents of Teaneck, are making aliyah this coming week. Mushy’s been a guidance counselor at Frisch for 30+ years and worked at Camp Moshava for almost as long. Lenny, CPA, known, amongst other varied interests (a shochet, a doctorate, a biker), for his pre-Shabbos shofar blowing (Shabbos 35b), retired from the international tax world and has been a professor at Yeshiva University for the last dozen years.

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