There was an amazing turnout for the Tomchei Shabbos benefit concert this year. Approximately 300 people attended the major fundraiser for Tomchei Shabbos Middlesex. Tomchei Shabbos of Middlesex County has been providing food packages for Shabbat and Yom Tov to needy families in the Highland Park, Edison and East Brunswick communities since its inception in 2009, helping insure that, even in difficult times, every family in the community has appropriate food to put on their table. The economic environment at present is challenging and has unfortunately contributed to a significant increase in the number of families served. With an approximately 30% increase in families over the previous year combined with the sharp rise in food prices, Tomchei Shabbos of Middlesex County has seen their annual food budget increase more than 50%, placing the concert fundraiser at an even higher level of importance.
Each year Tomchei Shabbos of Middlesex County has brought outstanding musicians to the community. It is hard to believe that any concert could be better than the last one, but amazingly each concert has been tremendous—this year is no exception. Motzei Shabbat, March 8, 2025, brought Pumpidisa to the Rutgers Chabad in New Brunswick to open for the Solomon Brothers. Many in the audience also enjoyed the artists as they led services at Congregation Ohr Torah in Edison and highlighted a community Friday night “Tisch” at a local home.

Edison’s Rina and Ruben Bernshtein had a special reason to support Tomchei Shabbat in addition to wanting to hear some stellar musicians. “Growing up in Queens, my family received assistance from the Tomchei Shabbat group there. I have a lot of memories of that and the cause speaks to me,” said Ruben. Talia Abramowitz, 4, of Highland Park came to the concert with her family. “I like their songs. I was listening to them earlier,” she explained. Miriam Ravitz, a long-time Tomchei Shabbos volunteer from Edison noted that she has seen the need for the organization grow significantly. Two of her children also volunteer for the group as do two of her grandchildren.
Jeff Klein of Edison served as master of ceremonies and made sure to thank the law firm of Epstein Ostrove and Salit Auto Sales for generously sponsoring the event.
Tzvi and Matt, the two brothers who comprise Pumpidisa, were consummate performers. Intertwining stories about the music with the music, they engaged the audience and had them on their feet and dancing.

The Solomon Brothers extended the musical aura following a brief presentation by the son of the late Yomi Greenstein, a founder of Tomchei Shabbos of Middlesex County.
The Solomon Brothers (Nachman, Yosef and Sruly) regaled the audience with music and stories of how their parents became interested in Judaism, the influence Rav Shlomo Carlebach had in their lives and how they have been playing music together since they learned to walk. As the three youngest children of a musical family of seven talented siblings, there were many amusing tales to hear. They shared their being on the Israel television version of “The Voice” and being part of uber-sensation Ishay Ribo’s very beginnings in the music world. After a solid hour-long set of music, the Solomon Brothers brought Pumpidisa on stage to join them for a rousing finale.
Josh Caplan, from Edison, had heard the Solomon Brothers perform on a visit to Israel. He had been impressed with their diverse musical style and how they were outstanding musicians as well. Having looked forward to seeing them again, he acknowledged that they lived up to his expectations and exceeded them.

Pesach is fast approaching, the busiest and costliest time of the year for the organization. They expect to deliver nearly 10,000 pounds of food this Pesach and need to cover the price increases on food items such as meat, chicken and eggs for increasing numbers of recipients. For every holiday they try to include holiday-specific foods in the boxes. They also try to include snacks or candy for children to help them experience the joy of the holiday in what may be difficult circumstances.
Tomchei Shabbos of Middlesex County is entirely reliant on generous donors to fund all of their operating needs. Every penny donated goes towards helping the families; donations of any amount are greatly appreciated! It isn’t too late to help provide for Pesach—visit https://tomcheimc.org to donate or learn more.