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September 21, 2024
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UJA-Federation of NY Announces Approximately $22M in Emergency Grants to Israel

(Courtesy of UJA Federation) UJA-Federation of New York has announced that it has provided approximately $22 million in grants thus far to over 60 Israeli nonprofits.

“Since Hamas’ barbaric attack on October 7, UJA has been working tirelessly to help provide urgent, life-saving support in Israel,” said Eric S. Goldstein, CEO, UJA-Federation of New York. “These grants cover the most pressing needs across affected communities including procuring new hospital equipment, mobilizing mental health counselors, providing cash grants for victims of terror, aiding thousands of displaced residents from southern Israel, and helping so many cope with displacement and grief.”

Elisha Wiesel, the son of Marion and Elie Wiesel, commented about the ongoing aid efforts: “Whenever Israel was attacked, my father would always jump on a plane to be with our people so that they would know they were not alone. And then, as now, the UJA would always be right there as well, bringing needed supplies and solidarity.”


Aiding residents of southern Israel ($7.2 million):

  • The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee: $1,000,000
  • Regional Council of Eshkol; $700,000
  • Regional Council of Hof Ashkelon: $500,000
  • Regional Council Sh’ar HaNegev: $500,000
  • City of Ofakim: $500,000
  • Kibbutz Movement: $500,000
  • Leket: $500,000
  • Latet: $500,000
  • Sdot Negev Regional Council: $500,000
  • Ogen: $500,000
  • Sderot Foundation: $300,000
  • Israel Association of Community Centers: $300,000
  • City of Ashkelon: $300,000
  • Eshel Chabad: $250,000
  • The Civic Situation Room led by Brothers and Sisters in Arms: $200,000
  • Shalva: $100,000
  • Kedma: $50,000


Trauma support ($2.025 million):

  • Israel Trauma Coalition: $500,000
  • Tamar: $300,000
  • Metiv/Herzog Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma: $250,000
  • Shaldag Foundation: $275,000
  • Natal: $250,000
  • Eran: $200,000
  • Mashabim/Community Stress Prevention Centers: $150,000
  • Enosh: $100,000


Supplying and equipping hospitals in the south ($2.25 million):

  • Soroka Medical Center: $1,250,000
  • Barzilai Medical Center: $1,000,000

Coordinating and mobilizing volunteers in Israel ($2.1 million):

  • Nefesh B’Nefesh: $500,000
  • Leket (to support a partnership with Medison Pharma): $500,000
  • Dror Yisrael: $150,000
  • Israel Volunteer Council: $100,000
  • IsraAid: $100,000
  • Tzedek Centers: $100,000
  • Early Starters International: $100,000
  • Eish Le-Re’ehu: $100,000
  • Ezer Mezion: $100,000
  • Jerusalem Variety Center: $100,000
  • Youth Renewal Fund: $100,000
  • Gvanim Sderot: $75,000
  • Women’s International Zionist Organization: $50,000
  • Forum of Foundations: $50,000
  • Negev Theater: $50,000


Providing financial support to victims of terror and their families ($2 million):

  • The Jewish Agency: $2,000,000


Charter flights for Israelis to return home ($1.6 million):

  • Charter Flights: $1,633,000


Supporting emergency operations and recovery efforts ($1.2 million):

  • Magen David Adom: $500,000
  • United Hatzalah: $350,000
  • Zaka: $350,000

Supporting residents of Northern Israel ($1.2 million)

  • Ma’ale Yosef Regional Council: $300,000
  • Mateh Asher Regional Council: $300,000
  • Merom HaGalil Regional Council: $300,000
  • Upper Galilee Regional Council: $300,000


Supporting soldiers and their families ($1.1 million):

  • Association for Israel’s Soldiers: $750,000
  • Brothers for Life: $200,000
  • The Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin: $100,000
  • Oz Leadership for Life: $50,000


Supporting Arab Citizens and Bedouins ($700,000):

  • The Regional Council of Unrecognized Villages of Negev: $350,000
  • AJEEC-NISPED: $250,000
  • Yanabia: $100,000


Supporting cities where Jews and Arabs are living side-by-side ($270,000):

  • The Abraham Fund: $200,000
  • Mosaica: $70,000


Providing specialized support for Holocaust survivors ($150,000):

  • Amigour: $75,000
  • The Foundation for the Welfare of Holocaust Survivors: $75,000
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