The horrendous murder by the Hamas terrorists of 1,200 of our dear brethren in New Jersey-sized Eretz Yisroel was preceded by gang rape, mutilation, torture and beheading of babies. This is proportional to about 50,000 Americans. And the hostage taking of 240, many of whom became sex slaves or were murdered in Gaza and all of whom were (including those who are still there hidden in hundreds of miles of tunnels) starved and humiliated is the proportional equivalent of about 8,500 Americans.
And if they could, these terrorists, their Iranian trainers and financiers, and all of their more than 10 proxy terrorist groups would fulfill their openly stated goal of destroying our beloved state of Israel by murdering every Jew in Israel.
Our September 11, 2021 experience at the NYC World Trade Center, when Muslim terrorists crashed two hijacked planes, murdering 2,916 people and injuring more than 6,000 in seconds, and their third hijacked plane crashed into the Pentagon, is informative that they would destroy our government and also kill all Americans if they could.
How can Joe Biden, the president of our great country, possibly justify withholding arms from our beloved Israel, our dear ally and the only democracy in the Middle East, in its war of self-defense against these savages?
Another anti-Israel act: Biden canceled the sanctions that Trump had imposed on bloodthirsty Iran, thus feeding Iran some $16-20 billion in oil revenues so far, and more as time goes by, thus enabling Iran to fund and train close to 10 Arab terrorist groups. (Check it out on Google.)
Sadly, Biden is beholden to the Jew-haters of the “Squad” and many other Jew-haters in the U.S. Senate.
For all my complaints against Donald Trump, and we all have many, I fear voting for Biden since his age and deteriorating abilities, may, God forbid, result in a takeover of the presidency by the deficient Kamala Harris, whose stepdaughter has helped raise $8 million for Gaza “children,” but the money is likely going to a Hamas-affiliated organization.
Sure I would love to see Nikki Haley, a fantastic friend of our dear Eretz as our next president but if that doesn’t happen, Trump is a better choice than the catastrophic nightmare of the Biden/Harris team.
I am writing this letter to The Jewish Link with the hope that your many readers contact (and all of their contacts do the same) the president, Senators Cory Booker and Bob Menendez and our totally supportive Josh Gottheimer urging total support for Israel at all levels.