March 8, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Virtual Mechanchim Kollel Inspires Rebbeim Locally And Across the Country

As a result of the vision of a dynamic young rabbi, there are 18 rebbeim in 10 Modern Orthodox schools/communities throughout the United States benefitting spiritually and financially from a flourishing new program. Rabbi Raphael Stohl, head of the Masmidim Program at the Katz Yeshiva High School in Boca Raton and mashgiach of the new Yeshiva of South Florida, founded the Virtual Mechanchim Kollel (VMK) in 2021. Inspired by the numerous Mechanchim Kollelim in the “yeshiva community” around the country, Rabbi Stohl realized the potential for early “burnout” among rebbeim, who are often pursuing multiple positions, which occupy their entire day without affording them any spare time for personal Torah learning. Heeding the warning of Rav Ahron Lopiansky, that if rebbeim are not growing on a personal-religious level, their students, our children, end up suffering, Rabbi Stohl incorporated VMK and reached out to local and national Modern Orthodox rebbeim to recruit candidates for the program.

In defining the purpose of the program, Rabbi Stohl, the program’s rabbinic director, along with Daniel Barzideh, who serves as the president of VMK, explained that the primary goal of VMK is to assist young mechanchim in finding time to continue learning Torah seriously on a daily basis, despite the many demands of their teaching schedules. By having time for their own personal study, both the rebbeim and their students benefit from the extra passion and knowledge which result from these designated hours. Each participating rebbe is carefully vetted by Rabbi Stohl, and when accepted into the program, each rebbe must set aside one hour each day, six days each week to personal study. The rebbeim also periodically attend joint chaburas, either virtually or with several other rebbeim living within the same area. For the time they invest in this personal learning, the rebbeim are gifted with a modest stipend, which further assists the rebbeim and, ultimately, their students, our own children. As more and more rebbeim continue to reach out to join VMK, Rabbi Stohl and Barzideh are hopeful that communities will see the need and continue to support the efforts of their rebbeim.

The first cohort of mechanchim in 2021-2022 consisted of six rebbeim. Today, there are 18 rebbeim participating. In this area, teaching at TABC are Rabbis Yehuda Avner, Jake Berman and Ezra Stone. At MTA, participating rabbis are Yisroel Apfel, Daniel Konigsberg and Yoni Stone. Rabbis Evan Genachowski from Ohr Yisroel and Avi Rosenbaum from JEC are participants, as are Rabbis Seth Schmulowitz from SAR and Aaron Fleksher from DRS. Cooper Yeshiva High School in Memphis has four participants, Richmond Virginia hosts two rebbeim, Hillel Torah in Skokie and Katz Yeshiva High School in Boca Raton each has one participating rebbe. The expectation is that as the word continues to spread among the participating rebbeim, the interest will continue to grow and the numbers will continue to increase.

Barzideh, enthusiastic and encouraged at the tripling of the numbers in under three years, shares: “I loved the idea of starting this organization with Rabbi Stohl because it supports Torah scholarship at a high level while also bearing tangible benefits for the Modern Orthodox community by elevating the proficiency, passion and expertise of the rabbis who impart Torah and guidance to our children on a daily basis.”

Rabbi Stohl understands the fullness of the days of rebbeim, as his own days are fully committed to Torah through his position teaching the 10th and 12th grades in the Masmidim Program at Katz Yeshiva High School and overseeing that program and also serving as the mashgiach of the newly established Yeshiva of South Florida, a post-Israel yeshiva in Boca Raton. He shared, “As a rebbe myself, I adore my students. I so very much want this and other such programs to thrive for the sake of our children. It is truly an honor to be part of such a program.”

When approached, the participating rabbis were eager to share their feelings about the program. Rabbi Yisroel Yaakov (Jake) Berman of Teaneck who serves as a rebbe at TABC shared, “The limud has been great. It’s my first time in years really delving into a Mesechta, learning B’Kius and B’Iyun and really going through it. Ever since I started working, I’ve always felt lost in my learning, and this program has finally made me feel planted in a limud. It’s been an amazing opportunity so far. We thank you for introducing this initiative and helping mechanchim learn more.”

Rabbi Aaron Fleksher of DRS offered, “It gives me tremendous chizuk and a feeling of achrayus knowing that mechanchim from all over the country are committed to the same limud and time commitment as I am, amidst the demands of very busy and very long work days.”

Rabbi Matis Hollander, from Memphis, shared the following: “The need to make sure that I learn my quota has pushed me to find time to learn that I wouldn’t have thought of. Immersing myself further in Torah sets a tremendous example for my students and my community. Thank you for creating this amazing program offering the Virtual Kollel so that I can in turn bring it to the community.”

Finally, Rabbi Yehuda Avner of TABC commented, “I love the program. It creates an obligation to focus on my own learning and growth even when things are really busy. On a financial level, it helps create another stream of income that we would need to find elsewhere… but this stream focuses on learning Gemara which we all love to be doing anyway!”

To donate to the Virtual Machanchim Kollel (VMK) and help it expand its reach to more rebbeim throughout the country, go to  or contact Rabbi Stohl at [email protected].

By Pearl Markovitz


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