Just days before celebrating Shavuot and once again receiving the Torah as a people, Westchester Day School’s kitah bet received their first Chumashim at the school’s annual Chag HaTorah celebration. This year’s celebration was especially unique, as the second graders performed entirely in Hebrew, showcasing their knowledge and understanding perfected over the course of the year. Under the guidance of Judaic Studies educator Morah Deena Zlotnick, the students in kitah bet spent 35 minutes beautifully explaining what they love about the Torah and which parts are their favorite. Their singing and dancing were incredibly moving and filled audience members’ hearts with ruach and excitement. Students’ pure joy upon receiving their Chumashim, and their understanding of its connection to our mesorah, was palpable to all in attendance. These proud children cannot wait to transition to kitah gimmel and continue their love of Torah throughout their WDS careers, and beyond! Mazel tov!