In last week’s Jewish Link, Rabbi Leiter appealed to our community to urge our legislators to vote against two bills before them (“Objections to Two LGBT Bills” January 7, 2020). While he is entitled to express his opinion, he used many hateful, bigoted words and statements. I am capable of arguing with him, but I’m pretty sure that will be fruitless. Instead I’m writing to all of you, the LGBT members of our community. You are part of my community, my household and my nation. Rabbi Leiter seems to have forgotten that all people are created b’tzelem Elokim (in God’s image), and apparently does not keep the mitzvah of “lo sonu” Vayikra 25:17 (which loosely means, don’t hurt people with words).
Yes, there are issues to grapple with as an LGBT observant Jew, and it is true that for many people there are theological questions that are complex. You have been created by God, in His image and you are part of klal Yisrael. Your complexities are mine, your questions are mine, and when I see you in shul, I’ll move over to make room.
Nathan and Chaplain Yocheved LindenbaumTeaneck