WDS second graders had a great trip to the Bronx Zoo last week, as a culmination of the extensive animal unit they have studied in science class. The students were sent on a Scavenger Hunt, each given a special zoo book, which included fact-finding questions about the animals they would see. The students traveled around the zoo in small groups with our parent and grandparent chaperones. They loved exploring everything from the World of Reptiles to birds, amazing amphibians, sea lions and mammals. WDS was fortunate to have a beautiful spring day, and playful animals that seemed happy to show-off for the visitors. The kids were able to apply the knowledge from the classroom, as they observed in-person, up-close, the activities, adaptations and interactions of such a diverse group of animals in the various habitats. The kids worked hard and also had a lot of fun. Thank you to all the volunteers who chaperoned and to the incredible science teacher, Becky Shapiro, who organized the fabulous adventure.