March 12, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Winter Zman Commences in Kollel Chatzos Branches around the World

The winter zman at Kollel Chatzos is successfully underway, and the close to 100 talmidei chachamim who learn in the four kollel branches are filled with joy and gratitude for the privilege to participate in such a holy empire of Torah. Some shared how they feel blessed to be able to learn Hashem’s Torah at the holy hour of chatzos, and described how the powerful growth in learning they experience throughout the nighttime hours is impossible to achieve at any other time.

According to the menahalim of the kollels in Williamsburg, Monroe, Monsey and Meron, the zman started with an energized and uplifting kol Torah that echoed through the kollels as if it were in the middle of the day. Rabbi Zalmen Leib Friedman from the Monsey branch emotionally described the intense hasmadah as “inspiring and heartwarming.”

Citing Rebbe Hershele Ziditchover, who wrote that the winter nights have the kedusha of Chol Hamoed, Rabbi Zalmen Lieb Friedman exclaimed that this is clearly felt within the walls of Kollel Chatzos. Many seforim hakedoshim also say that during the winter nights one can be poel yeshuos (bring about salvation) like during Ne’ilah on Yom Kippur. Unwilling to miss the opportunity to have talmidei chachamim be mispallel for them at such a powerful time, many special Yidden are grabbing the chance to be a part of the limud haTorah at Kollel Chatzos throughout the long winter nights.

With the start of the heavy wedding season, there’s also a strong demand from mechutanim to reserve a “wedding night” with Kollel Chatzos, where Torah is learned as a zchus for the chosson and kallah throughout the entire wedding. At the start of the reception, Kollel Chatzos in Meron begins their learning, and at chatzos in New York the kollels in Monsey, Williamsburg and Monroe begin to learn until dawn. This ensures that Torah as a zchus for the new couple is learned non-stop throughout the wedding night. The powerful segulah of midnight Torah is the greatest gift parents can give to a chosson and kallah as they embark upon building their bayis ne’eman.

Ensure your share of the power of Torah at chatzos on a winter night. Call today: 1-855-CHATZOS (242-8967).

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