With Purim over, can Pesach be far behind? The warmer spring air is upon us and Pesach will be here before we know it! Yavneh Academy ganon yeladim have been reviewing the story of Pesach that they learned in sefer Shemot. They discovered that on the first two nights of Pesach, we have a Seder, which means “order.” Just like there is an order of activities to the school day and certain routines that are followed on a daily basis, so, too, do we follow a specific order at the Seder meal. The Seder starts with Kadesh and goes through 14 steps until we get to the end, Nirtza. The students will be reviewing the order through songs, games and customs as they go step-by-step according to the Seder to complete many beautiful projects they can use at their Seder tables. The children had fun painting an interactive Seder place-mat to help them follow along at the Seder, as well as to help keep them awake!